Posts in Employee Benefits

  1. Nontaxable & Taxable Fringe Benefits: A Refresher (Benefit Minute)

    This issue of the Benefit Minute summarizes nontaxable and taxable fringe benefits that are provided to employees by employers. It reflects changes made by the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Many of these items are described in IRS Publication 15-B, Employer’s Tax Guide to Fringe Benefits. However, it’s important to understand the different types of […]

  2. Medical Management for Employers: Strategies to Reduce Healthcare Costs

    A New England Journal of Medicine study found that health care in the United States is only 54 percent efficient for chronic, emergent, and preventive care. Such inefficiencies are just one example of why Americans continue to pay more for health care than people in other wealthy, Western countries. Medical management can be an effective […]

  3. Legislative and Regulatory Updates (Benefit Minute)

    This issue of the Benefit Minute provides a recap of some recent state and federal legislative and regulatory activity.

  4. Turn Your Millennials Into Perennials

    It’s Monday at the end of a long day. The workweek is already accelerating at an alarming pace. Projects and client meetings are piling up, and unread emails are accumulating in your team’s inboxes. It’s going to be another late night putting in extra hours.

  5. Looking for top talent? Employers need to nail the interview.

    If you were a candidate interviewing for a job, you’d probably receive the advice, “Preparation is key.” But even on the other side of the table — as an employer interviewing candidates for an open position — the same recommendation applies.

  6. 24 HR Mistakes That Could Cost You Time, Money, and Talent

    Most everyone would agree Human Resources is an integral function of a high-functioning company. HR operations carry a lot of responsibility, mostly behind the scenes. From interviewing and hiring top talent to managing benefits and payroll, HR departments must keep track of countless forms, processes, regulations, and communications. Just one mistake — no matter how […]

  7. Affordable Care Act Reporting Update (Benefit Minute)

    The IRS has issued final versions of Forms 1094-B, 1094-C, 1095-B and 1095-C for use by insurers, employers and other entities to report enrollment in minimum essential coverage and the offer of minimum essential coverage. This Benefit Minute provides an overview of the reporting requirements and provides detail on changes to the forms for the […]

  8. Voluntary Benefits: A win-win approach to offering an attractive benefits plan

    In the era of health care reform, high-deductible health plans significantly increased health care costs to most employees. It is important to consider how an accident might affect their month-to-month budgets. Even with a comprehensive major medical plan, they could still face substantial out-of-pocket expenses.

  9. Total Compensation Statement: A Retention Tool Worth Considering

    As a business leader, part of your job is to make sure your company is positioned to hire and retain the best people. How do you do that? One obvious answer is to offer competitive salaries and benefits. But there’s another piece that can go along with that, one that companies often overlook: communicating with […]