Posts in Employee Benefits

  1. Considerations for Employees Approaching Medicare Entitlement (Benefit Minute)

    This Benefit Minute discusses how Medicare Parts A and B entitlement at age 65 impacts active and retiring employees.

  2. PSA In Good Health Volume 10 Tips

    What Are You Thankful For? Learn the Health Benefits of Gratitude and Being Thankful  Thanksgiving is upon us, which raises the question, what are you thankful for? Being thankful is a characteristic we should practice year-round, not just during the holiday season! Our lives can get quite hectic, making it difficult at times to remember […]

  3. Prescription Drug Reporting – The Next Transparency Requirement (Benefit Minute)

    The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 (CAA) added a requirement for group health plans and health insurance issuers to provide certain information about prescription drug and health care costs. The deadline for first year reporting (2020) was originally December 27, 2021. However, it was subsequently extended to December 27, 2022 for calendar years 2020 and […]

  4. PSA In Good Health Volume 9 Tips

    Food Matters! Eat these Superfoods to Help Reduce Stress Stressors are a part of our everyday lives. When we experience changes or challenges that come from stress, our bodies produce both mental and physical responses. In this In Good Health flyer, learn about stress responses, foods to eat to help you reduce stress, and what foods […]

  5. Broker Compensation Disclosures: A Fiduciary Responsibility (Benefit Minute)

    The Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021 (CAA) added a requirement for entities rendering brokerage or consulting services to ERISA-covered group health plans to disclose in writing to plan fiduciaries all direct and indirect compensation received for providing services to the plan. Plan fiduciaries must obtain and review this compensation information before entering into the arrangement […]

  6. PSA In Good Health Volume 8 Tips

    My Doctor Won’t Listen to Me… How to Promote Better Communication with Your Doctor Good health care starts with good communication practices, but communication between you and your doctor can sometimes be difficult. At times, we tend to not share everything with our doctors including if we are unhappy with our visits. It is important […]

  7. Recent Compliance Updates (Benefit Minute)

    HSA Limits for 2023 IRS Revenue Procedure 2022-24 updated the limits for qualified high deductible health plans (QHDHPs) for plan years beginning in 2023 as well as the 2023 calendar year health savings account (HSA) contribution limits, as set forth below: For non-grandfathered health plans that are not QHDHPs, the out-of-pocket maximums for plan years […]

  8. PSA In Good Health July 2022 Tips

    Healthy Diet, Happy Brain: How Your Diet Can Affect Your Brain’s Health    We all go through life worrying about being healthy, losing weight, reducing stress, and exercising more. As the list continues, it is important to understand how these factors can also impact other parts of your body such as your brain. In this month’s […]

  9. Commuter Benefit Programs – A Way to Address High Gas Prices (Benefit Minute)

    Section 132(f) of the Internal Revenue Code allows employers to provide certain tax-favored commuter benefits, a valuable fringe benefit for employees in light of the current high gas prices. This issue of the Benefit Minute describes these qualified transportation programs and provides related compliance reminders.