Posts in Employee Benefits

  1. PSA In Good Health 2023 Volume 4

    Know Your Numbers We use important numbers every day: phone numbers, social security numbers, driver’s license numbers. But do you know the numbers that can potentially save your life?

  2. Interns and the ACA (Benefit Minute)

    As we enter the time of year when employers hire summer interns, questions arise as to whether health coverage should be offered.  This issue of the Benefit Minute reviews Affordable Care Act (ACA) requirements that may apply to interns.

  3. PSA In Good Health 2023 Volume 3

    Spring Has Sprung and So Have Allergies!  Spring is here and with it comes all of the beautiful flowers that unleash an abundance of beauty and POLLEN! If you are one of the millions of people with allergies, you are likely experiencing itchy eyes, coughing and sneezing.    About 20% of the world’s population has allergic […]

  4. Recent Regulatory & Judicial Activity (Benefit Minute)

    This issue provides an update on recent regulatory and judicial activity at both the federal and state level.

  5. First Quarter Compliance Updates for 2023 (Benefit Minute)

    This issue provides a recap of some recent regulatory activity.

  6. PSA In Good Health 2023 Volume 2

    Spring Forward to Improving Your Health!  At last, Spring is in the air! With the warmer weather and sunnier days, it is the perfect opportunity to improve your health.  As we get older, we pick up increasingly unhealthy habits. They are hard to break, but when you do, the new life you gain is well […]

  7. It’s Time for ACA and State-Based Individual Mandate Reporting

    As 2023 begins, the deadlines for ACA reporting and reporting to states that are enforcing health insurance individual mandates approach.

  8. Benefit Plan and Payroll Limits for 2023 (Benefit Minute)

    Set forth below are the 2023 and 2022 limitations for qualified plans and other benefit related items:  

  9. PSA In Good Health December 2022 Tips

    Happy Holidays! Learn Tips to Help You Enjoy a Healthy Holiday Season! This time of year truly challenges our healthy habits! Here are some ways to maintain your health throughout the holiday season.