Posts in Employee Benefits

  1. Better, Less Costly Healthcare on the Horizon for Maryland Employers and Patients

    Few people know it, but Maryland’s hospital revenue model is being turned on its head, and the ramifications of the change will be felt throughout the healthcare landscape. The changes will affect not only hospitals and healthcare providers but also patients and employers, who will have more options for quality medical care at lower costs.

  2. Crafting an Incentivized Wellness Program That Works

    The premise of workplace-based wellness programs is simple: healthy employees cost less to insure. They show up to work more consistently, are more productive, and file fewer health insurance claims.

  3. Human Resources Professionals Should Consider Employee Benefits Liability Insurance

    While insurance coverage is typically handled by the risk management department of your organization, as a human resources professional, there is liability coverage that is important for you to be aware of – employee benefits liability insurance.

  4. Considering a Workplace Wellness Program?: Our Story and How It Might Help Your Organization with the Process

    As PSA’s Practice Leader of Human Resources, the health of our employee population is something that’s very important to me on several levels. In addition to caring about the well-being of our workforce, a healthy staff has the potential to increase productivity, decrease sick days and control costs (i.e. health insurance).

  5. 3 Reasons Why Cash in Lieu of Benefits is a Bad Idea for Government Contractors

    Government contractors providing service work are required by government regulations to either provide fringe benefits in an amount specified in the contract, or pay the designated fringe amounts in cash to their employees, otherwise known as “cash in lieu of benefits”. Service contractors who try to utilize a traditional benefit plan instead of approved SCA […]

  6. Employee Benefits Factors to Consider for High Growth Companies

    If you are an owner or partner in a high growth company, you are familiar with change. From expanding into new markets, evolving your product or service offering, to finding the right talent – you’ve learned that to grow is to change. The same is true for your employee benefits strategy – especially when you […]

  7. Health Savings Account (HSA): Debunking the Myths

    To open and contribute to a Health Savings Account (HSA), you need to meet three simple criteria: High Deductible Health Plan: You must have a High Deductible Qualified Health Plan (QHDHP). Independent Tax Status: You can’t be claimed as a dependent on someone else’s tax return. No Other Health Benefits: You can’t have other public […]

  8. Health Care Prior Authorization: Be Prepared, Be Proactive

    Have you ever needed an MRI or PET scan and been required to obtain prior authorization? Have you ever wondered why? Or have you ever been denied by your health insurance company for a service such as an MRI or PET scan or a prescription?

  9. How to Perform a Health Care Reform Pay or Play Analysis in 8 Easy Steps

    In January 2014, the health care reform law, Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), will implement a penalty for certain employers who do not offer a “valuable” and “affordable” health plan to their employees.