Posts by Justin Hoffman

Author Blog Post Archive

  1. Cyber Security: Managing Your Risk, Protecting Your Assets

    Cyber attacks can happen to anyone — even the National Security Agency. U.S. contractor Edward Snowden’s historic data breach and subsequent disclosure of thousands of classified NSA documents to The Guardian and then The Washington Post led to more than six months’ worth of revelations on NSA surveillance programs. But government agencies and big companies like […]

  2. Climbing Higher and Returning Transformed with Everest-Level Resilience

    PSA has shaped our recent Partnership Webinar series to meet you where you are and support you in your leadership journey during the pandemic. Our most recent webinar continued in that vein with a focus on resilience. High-altitude climber and expedition leader, Jim Davidson, shared what he learned during numerous perilous climbing experiences to spark the belief we can come back from challenges stronger than before with Everest-level resilience. 

  3. Winning the War on Workplace Talent: Attracting and Retaining Star Employees

    In an environment where there are more jobs than job seekers, it’s up to executive leaders to use their influence when it comes to attracting and retaining talent and positively shaping the opinions employees have about their job and their company. At a recent PSA Partnership seminar, Garrison Wynn, stand-up comedian turned Fortune 500 executive […]

  4. Your “Sacrifice” Strategy Isn’t Working; Stop Drifting Your Life Away

    Workplace burnout is an ever-increasing challenge for many businesses. Each year, it seems we’re asked to do more with less when it comes to our jobs, and according to PSA Partnership Seminar speaker, Dominick Quartuccio, people are using one strategy to meet the rising work demands: sacrifice.

  5. Leadership Language: Executives, Speak the Results You Want into Action

    In the words of Einstein, “not everything that counts can be counted.” Such is the case when it comes to leadership language and how you wield it within your professional relationships. At a recent PSA Partnership Seminar, Chalmers Brothers, best-selling author, certified executive coach, and international speaker, challenged company leaders and executives to examine their […]

  6. Leveraging Technology Does Not Equal Robopocalypse

    Are robots and artificial intelligence taking over the world? Technology is evolving more rapidly than ever, and the need to leverage technology for business success has become imperative for C-level executives across all industries. However, talk of artificial intelligence, robotics, and machine learning is prompting thoughts and fears in the minds of many business owners […]

  7. PSA Insurance & Financial Services is Introducing a New ATI Member Insurance Program

    Hunt Valley, MD. – PSA Insurance & Financial Services (PSA), a top 100 insurance broker in the US, is partnering with the Automotive Training Institute (ATI) to offer a joint PSA-ATI Property & Casualty Insurance Buying Program for their members. ATI is the leading coaching and consulting automotive management company in North America, with over […]

  8. Autopsy of a Cyber Nightmare: How to Protect Your Business

    It’s Sunday afternoon. You’re watching football with friends. Or, maybe you’re at a family party. Meanwhile, somewhere in a rack of servers at your business, there is a fan, screaming like a banshee. It’s been whirring away at top speed, 24 hours a day, for a week. Until someone notices it, it’s going to keep […]

  9. Game of Stones: Examining the Foundational Elements of Effective Negotiation

    According to Mark Jankowski, founder of Amplified Learning, effective negotiation requires three things: attitude, tools, and skills. “You can have any one, or even two of those things, but if you don’t put them all together, you won’t be effective,” he said at a recent PSA Partnership Event, “Game of Stones.” Where did he first […]