Homeowners & Auto

Comprehensive protection for the most important assets in your life

Homeowners Policies

Our seasoned personal insurance experts work with leading insurance companies to help you build a custom, comprehensive insurance policy for your unique situation, so you can rest assured that your home, property and family are protected.

Homeowners coverage provides protection for your:

  • Home
  • Other Structures on Your Property
  • Personal Property (i.e. clothing, furniture)
  • Additional Living Expenses
  • Personal Liability

With our network of specialized carriers, we can also protect your jewelry and collections—like fine art, wine, musical instruments and other collectibles—as well as provide you with flood insurance, water back up coverage and much more.

PSA Pro Tip

Secrets of the Savvy Homeowners Buyer

Did you know there are incentives that could help you save money on your policy?

Auto Coverage

Online insurance providers can’t match the quality and security of a custom program our team of experts carefully design for you. We work hard to attain coverage at a fair price, and we help make sure you feel comfortable and informed regarding your coverage.

Available protection highlights:

  • Liability and property damage
  • Vehicle damage and theft
  • Medical payment
  • Personal injury
  • Towing and rental reimbursement
  • Custom auto equipment
  • Agreed value and/or replacement value

PSA Pro Tip

Uninsured motorists…a moving liability

Find out why uninsured/underinsured motorist coverage could be the most important policy coverage feature you’re not thinking about.

Create financial safety for your family.